Within the last couple of weeks my first fully written, corresponding author paper has been accepted and published in the RSC journal Chemical Communications and can be found here for those of you with a subscription to RSC journals. It has been assigned the DOI: 10.1039/C2CC17142B, with the title Modulating dye E(S+/S*) with efficient heterocyclic nitrogen containing acceptors for DSCs. I was going to wait for a proper reference with page numbers, but excitement has overcome my patience.
Personally, I largely view the complete production of this paper as a significant step toward taking complete charge of my research which is something I wish to completely do shortly providing I prove to be a desirable academic candidate this fall for faculty positions at universities with graduate research programs. My three largest concerns (mostly due to lack of experience) have been fully writing manuscripts, getting research funding, and getting hired. Although I have plenty of room for improvement with my scientific writing, receiving the comment from a reviewer that this manuscript was "well written" is a nice addition to my confidence level.
As for the science in the article, it isn't revolutionary, but it is both useful and should be empowering for future molecule design and optimization for dye-sensitized solar cell applications as well as for other applications that require the fine tuning of ground-state oxidation potentials and excited-state oxidation potentials.
Finally, for people that just want to see some pretty picture/models of some of the molecules described in this work there, I fully respect your wishes...and I like seeing them too.
Below is dye JD7 which is really the star of this work.
Below are the other acceptors which were made by replacing the six member ring pictured at the far right of JD7 at each of the purple atoms.
And with that it is back to work/fun for me :)